jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

My Christmas Wish-list for 2015!

My Christmas wish-list for this 2015! Hope you guys like it!
1. Creeper shoes by Stella McCartney in black leather and nude are the best ones!

2. Mini Lady Dior pink methallic python bag, is to die for, there are also new methallic colors for this winter season that are amazing, the green and pink are my favorite ones.

3. Beachbunny bikini "Siren Song in green", this is the sexiest and most amazing pool party/beachclub swimwear ever.

4. Alexandre Vauthier white fox fur jacket, I really love white fur, it's as classy as black, but more juvenile than black.

5.- Saint Laurent fringed Paris ankle boots, I never buy anything in this color, so recently my goal is buying shoes, and more camel coats, and skirts in camel/brown.
6. A camel coat. Classic as the black one. Also a white coat is always a great purchase. Be careful to invest in a good one, since they can be a timeless piece in your wardrobe.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

Kim Kardashian & FUR... (Peta I don't suggest to read this article)

Hi guys, so yes, I consider myself guilty to be huge a Kardashian fan. I love these hard working girls, their attitude, their style, and how they have been succeding in life.... (Kris Jenner congrats of how being the smartest to make a huge entreprise with your family).

If you have followed KWTK since season 1, you can see their development and how much they have grown up as a huge brand, we are talking about: from their line Kardashian beauty products, obviously the tv reality show whoe brought them to fame worlwide and now they just begun season 11!.
The little Jenner girls growing up as succesful business woman, and well all their development is to be amazed by. Hate them or love them, but that is something we all can't deny.

And in my opinion they have work their ass off to be in the place where they stand up now. So claps to all the Kardasian-Jenner group.

This time I will write about my old time favorite idol Kim Kardashian and one of my favorite thing in the world (ok, maybe not as much, but one of the things I love which is FUR).
And nobody knows hot to wear fur better as Kim Kardashian West.

Here I am posting some of my favorite pics of her using fur, looking absoultely amaze.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015


No sigo dietas, como un poco de todo y postre siempre y cuando sea compatido, pero trato de mejorar mi aspecto por dentro y por fuera siempre con estos pequeños tips:

Diario me tomo una pastilla de zinc y otra de Biotin.

Un shot verde, el cuál contiene: Una cucharada grande de espirulina en polvo, una cucharada de clorofila y el jugo de un limon.

Por lo general durante el día trato de tomar al menos 1 a 2 litros de agua natural con gotitas de clorofila y uno a dos tés calientes con agua y splenda de preferencia blanco o verde.

Por la tarde/noche siempre me tomo una taza de agua caliente con 1 cucharada grande de alpiste en polvo. 

No hago dietas pero creo que esto me ayuda a estar sana y se que hay muchos SUPER FOODS con muchísimos beneficios, pero creo que debes elegir de acuerdo a tus necesidades y prioridades, variarle ya que aun que seam muy buenos, recuerden que ninguna exceso es bueno.

La espirulina tampoco me encanta el sabor, pero con el limón y la clorofila la hace tolerable al beber (por eso también lo hice shot, para tomarlo rápido y de golpe) pero bueno ahí les va sus beneficios:
-Ayuda en casos de anemia, desmineralización y agotamiento.
- Ayuda a recuperar la forma física, la energía y la vitalidad y desintoxica el organismo.

Siendo honesta sufro cada vez que me tomo una taza de alpiste, no me gusta el sabor, pero vale muchisimo la pena, los beneficios son totalmente maravillosos, aquí les menciono algunos:

-Tiene ácidos grasos omega 3 y omega 9.
-Contiene vitaminas B, E, minerales como calcio, magnesio, manganeso y zinc.
-Ayuda con la inflamación del riñón, el hígado y el páncreas.
-Combate la cirrosis y previene la arteriosclerosis.
 -Es una excelente fuente de antioxidantes.
-Ayuda a quemar las grasas y a reducir el colesterol.
-Activa el movimiento intestinal y mejora la digestión.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

How to start a perfect day

First RULE, always start your day by taking a shower, nothing makes you feel better during the day than doing this simple step as soon as you wake up.
And with this I mean, having a great shampoo, shower gel of your personal taste (for example I always choose grapefruit during the day and vanilla or chocolate for the night).

Always Scrub at least twice a week and shave daily or every 2 days.

Use oil for your body and hair.

Hydration is the key, the oils have this purpose, but recently I discovered the best invention for me, as I always double moisturize my body and face. It's a cream that you wash it out, when you are still in the shower, then you dry as usual, and you are already moisturized. I love this product.
 Then last ALWAYS use face lotion and never forget to put sunblock with it, better if you buy a good face lotion that includes it. I love the lush powder special made for the face which you can put after your face lotion and it doesn't make your face oily, its amazing.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015

How to look like a real life doll

Some tips of how looking like those gorgeous girls that looks like real dolls.

1. Skinny or a great body is a must! How you look in the outside reflects how you are in the inside.You can't look gorgeous, dress well and have a hot figure if you are depressed and have deep issues. Usually you take care of yourself depending how you are feeling in the inside. As simple as that!

2. Big long hair, and healthy, no matter if you go for extensions to get this look. But nothing is sexier than a gorgeous long hair.

3.- Cat eyes,  red lipstick are always the sexiest make-up. Shades of pinks for a day look also it's a great option.

4.- (Optional) filled up lips. I'm thinking about Angelina Jolie, Rosie Huntington type. Don't over do it like Kylie Jenner, there's a fine ine between too much.

5.- Long fake eye lashes with volume. I do eye lashes extensions which I love because they are perfect all day, all night, forget about curler and mascara forever. This is my favorite guilty pleasure.

6. Long nails with a good shape and a nice classy color, no prints please! The shape can be square, round or pointy, doesn't matter as long as they are femenine long, also don't over do it, there is here again that fine line between sexy long and tacky vulgar.

7. Tight short dresses and the biggest high heels (Alaia and Louboutin are my favorite ones).

8. For the day look wear cute feminine mid short dresses.

9. Tweed jackets or dresses are always classy and so femenine, you can't go wrong with this one!
Also a few extra pics of real life dolls: