miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

Packing for Paris & London

I get as excited for Christmas Eve, and New Years Eve, as I get excited for summer. For me both seasons are equally important (well maybe a little bit more summer, because I love the beach, and wearing nothing but a bikini), anyways I'm trying to focus on winter season…
I'm going to two of my favorite cities in the world, so yes I already started to pack. My luggage is full of leather, leather pants in black and burgundy, jackets, fur, gloves, beanies, scarfs, boots, jewelry, bags, and of course party dresses. I will post some pics of what I'm packing, and something I being meaning to buy, but can't find them anywhere, which are the Givenchy boots. So hopefully I will find them either in Paris or London. I want them baaaaadly!
Fur, fur, fur

The Givenchy boots I want